Like Lunar Calendar Solar Calendar is based on the movement of Sun. Sun's entry into Aries starts the month Vaisakh and also the new year. The months are named same as in Indian National Calendar. Though the moment of Sun's entry into a sign is the same all over India, yet the commencement of the corresponding month for civil purposes is not necessarily the same all over India. In Punjab & Orissa the solar month starts on the day of transit into next sign. Here day means one sunrise to next sunrise. Bengal and Assam, if transit happens before midnight (45 Ghatis), the solar month begins next day & when the transit occurs after 45 Ghatis, the month begins a day after. In Tamil, when the fraction of the day at which transit occurs does not exceed 30 Ghatis (Sunset), the solar month begins on the same day else next day. Since the sun takes different times to transit a sign the month varies from 28 days to 31 days.
The lunar & solar calendars are associated with various eras. Some of the most commanly used are :
1. Vikram Era : 57 more than the A.D. year and extensively used in Gujarat & all over northern India except Bengal. In Northern India year starts from Chaitra Purima. It is also popularly known as "Malava Era" or simply "Samvat". In Gujarat Amanta month is taken and year starts from next day of Kartika New Moon i.e. day of Diwali.
2. Saka Era : This is 78 less than A.D. year. This is also used extensively in North India. Indian National Calendar uses this Saka. It is used both with amanta & Purnimanta months as well as with solar calendar. To summarise year 1999 will have various Calendars beginning on the following date:
1. Gregorian Calendar : 1st Jan 99. Different eras have following values :
i. Gregorian 1999 A.D.
ii. Samvat 2056
iii. Saka 1921
iv. Kaliyuga Era. 5100
v. Fusli San 1407
vi. Kollam Era 1175
vii. Bengali San 1406
viii. Hejiri 1420
2. National Calendar : 22 March 99.
3. Lunar Calendars : i.Chaitradi : 18/3/99 ii. Kartikadi : 10/10/99.
4. Solar Calendars :
i. Bengal & Assam - 15/04/99.
ii. Punjab & Orissa - 14/04/99.
iii. South - 14/04/99.
5. Kollam Era : A.D. year minus 824 is the Kollam Era. It is used in Malabar,Cochin & Travancore. It starts with solar Virgo in North Malabar and with Solar Leo in South Malabar.
6. Bengali San : Current A.D. year minus 593 gives Bangali San. It starts with Sun entry into Aries.
7. Hejiri (Muslim Calendar) : It is calculated by subtracting 579 from the current A.D. year. The monthly are based on Moon and are named as Muharram, Safer, Ravi-Ul- Avval, Ravi Ussani, Jamadi-Ul-avval, Jamadi Ussani,Rajjab, Sawan, Ramjan,Savval, Jilked and Jilhej. Muharram the first months coincides with or starts from shukla Paksh of Vaisakh. The month start normally from 2nd in Shukla Paksh when Moon is visible in the sky after sun set. The day is counted from sunset to sunset.The only problem in Muslim Calender is that it can not be defined in advance since it is based on visibility of Moon. If Moon is not visible on the day month has to start, it will be started from the next day only when moon becomes clearly visible.
The lunar & solar calendars are associated with various eras. Some of the most commanly used are :
1. Vikram Era : 57 more than the A.D. year and extensively used in Gujarat & all over northern India except Bengal. In Northern India year starts from Chaitra Purima. It is also popularly known as "Malava Era" or simply "Samvat". In Gujarat Amanta month is taken and year starts from next day of Kartika New Moon i.e. day of Diwali.
2. Saka Era : This is 78 less than A.D. year. This is also used extensively in North India. Indian National Calendar uses this Saka. It is used both with amanta & Purnimanta months as well as with solar calendar. To summarise year 1999 will have various Calendars beginning on the following date:
1. Gregorian Calendar : 1st Jan 99. Different eras have following values :
i. Gregorian 1999 A.D.
ii. Samvat 2056
iii. Saka 1921
iv. Kaliyuga Era. 5100
v. Fusli San 1407
vi. Kollam Era 1175
vii. Bengali San 1406
viii. Hejiri 1420
2. National Calendar : 22 March 99.
3. Lunar Calendars : i.Chaitradi : 18/3/99 ii. Kartikadi : 10/10/99.
4. Solar Calendars :
i. Bengal & Assam - 15/04/99.
ii. Punjab & Orissa - 14/04/99.
iii. South - 14/04/99.
5. Kollam Era : A.D. year minus 824 is the Kollam Era. It is used in Malabar,Cochin & Travancore. It starts with solar Virgo in North Malabar and with Solar Leo in South Malabar.
6. Bengali San : Current A.D. year minus 593 gives Bangali San. It starts with Sun entry into Aries.
7. Hejiri (Muslim Calendar) : It is calculated by subtracting 579 from the current A.D. year. The monthly are based on Moon and are named as Muharram, Safer, Ravi-Ul- Avval, Ravi Ussani, Jamadi-Ul-avval, Jamadi Ussani,Rajjab, Sawan, Ramjan,Savval, Jilked and Jilhej. Muharram the first months coincides with or starts from shukla Paksh of Vaisakh. The month start normally from 2nd in Shukla Paksh when Moon is visible in the sky after sun set. The day is counted from sunset to sunset.The only problem in Muslim Calender is that it can not be defined in advance since it is based on visibility of Moon. If Moon is not visible on the day month has to start, it will be started from the next day only when moon becomes clearly visible.